Spiritual Philosophy
From the time that mankind existed there has been conflict, bloodshed and wars, with a lot of grief caused through man’s relentless push for power and material wealth.
The history of earth shows many periods of troubled times, but there have also been many periods of enlightened times. Nonetheless, man has not evolved far in learning to live without conflict and war.
Primarily this lack of evolution is caused through a belief of some people that they are superior to others and are therefore entitled to a greater share of the property and wealth on earth.
Earth is currently entering a period of spiritual enlightenment and it is time for selected people to show the way on how to live with equality, shared values and a desire for each person to lead their own life a little better, without the need to judge others so much.
In simple terms this is a spiritual philosophy which we believe can be achieved through an increase of love on the earth and a decrease of greed, jealousy and envy.
The work of Sphinx Spiritual is guided by Crazy Horse and he and those entities who work with him aim to promote and increase the presence of these spiritual values on earth. This will lead to an increased level of harmonious relationships on earth.
This is the spiritual philosophy of Sphinx Spiritual and its related business, Spiritual Intent.
Spiritual Philosophy
From the time that mankind existed there has been conflict, bloodshed and wars, with a lot of grief caused through man’s relentless push for power and material wealth.
The history of earth shows many periods of troubled times, but there have also been many periods of enlightened times. Nonetheless, man has not evolved far in learning to live without conflict and war.
Primarily this lack of evolution is caused through a belief of some people that they are superior to others and are therefore entitled to a greater share of the property and wealth on earth.
Earth is currently entering a period of spiritual enlightenment and it is time for selected people to show the way on how to live with equality, shared values and a desire for each person to lead their own life a little better, without the need to judge others so much.
In simple terms this is a spiritual philosophy which we believe can be achieved through an increase of love on the earth and a decrease of greed, jealousy and envy.
The work of Sphinx Spiritual is guided by Crazy Horse and he and those entities who work with him aim to promote and increase the presence of these spiritual values on earth. This will lead to an increased level of harmonious relationships on earth.
This is the spiritual philosophy of Sphinx Spiritual and its related business, Spiritual Intent.
Spiritual Philosophy
From the time that mankind existed there has been conflict, bloodshed and wars, with a lot of grief caused through man’s relentless push for power and material wealth.
The history of earth shows many periods of troubled times, but there have also been many periods of enlightened times. Nonetheless, man has not evolved far in learning to live without conflict and war.
Primarily this lack of evolution is caused through a belief of some people that they are superior to others and are therefore entitled to a greater share of the property and wealth on earth.
Earth is currently entering a period of spiritual enlightenment and it is time for selected people to show the way on how to live with equality, shared values and a desire for each person to lead their own life a little better, without the need to judge others so much.
In simple terms this is a spiritual philosophy which we believe can be achieved through an increase of love on the earth and a decrease of greed, jealousy and envy.
The work of Sphinx Spiritual is guided by Crazy Horse and he and those entities who work with him aim to promote and increase the presence of these spiritual values on earth. This will lead to an increased level of harmonious relationships on earth.
This is the spiritual philosophy of Sphinx Spiritual and its related business, Spiritual Intent.

Knowledge & Learning from Ancient Egypt
Clinical Homoeopathy
Homoeopathic medicine and it's use by qualified practitioners stems from the work of Dr Samuel Fredrick Kristian Hahnemann
in the late 1800's in Europe. Using natural products, he learned to extract the essence of a product (rather than to use the raw material) and to use this essence to treat a large variety of illness and disease.
Homoeopathy has specifically developed to cure illness and disease, and as such is a modality that stands alone, the only one treating illness and disease naturally (as distinct from wellness.)
Homoeopathic medicines are based on the scientific work of Dr Hahnemann, and have been tested and validated for its success of their healing. Whilst modern science has also tested and validated, modern science still does not understand the healing powers of homoeopathy.
One of the reasons not understood by science is that in the hands of the right Practitioner, Homoeopathic medicines not only cure illness, they also bring out associated emotional conditions which are causing the illness. This is a largely misunderstood process by modern medical systems.
There is nothing else available in the world today which can do this other than the homoeopathic prescription. With the passage of time fewer and fewer homoeopathic practitioners have been trained to know how to achieve this end.
Aspiration Homoeopathic Clinic in Mornington, Victoria, Australia, is one of the few where you will be treated for a broad range of physical illness as well as associated emotional causes. In cases of simple physical ailments, you will be treated for that alone.
Homoeopathic medicine is the first choice to treat illness naturally against chemical medicine (with associated side effects). People suffering emotionally caused illness have no other option available to them if they want to stop illness on an ongoing basis.
Homoeopathy stands on record of success on treating illness/disease.
Pearl Rogers, Director of Aspiration Homoeopathic Medicine Clinic and the Sphinx Spiritual School of Learning, Sphinx Spiritual Counselling , is a registered clinical homoeopath, psychotherapist and spiritual counsellor.
Pearl has managed and practised at her homoeopathic clinic in Mornington for 25 years treating those from birth to the aged.
Aspiration Homoeopathic Medicine Clinic
29 Dava Drive, Mornington, Victoria
Appointments are necessary and can be booked via telephoning 0419 513 561
Or visit our Facebook Page here